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Showing posts from June, 2021

20th June Code Club - Minecraft

  Minecraft for Education Next we have VR VOOM Virtual reality workshop 7th July after school.  This week students hosted a server for Minecraft. The goal was to find a new country and learn how to survive by creating tools, finding food and being innovative. As one students said, by blood sweat and tears! Here is some of the feedback of students who told me why they come to the club, what do they enjoyed and what the benefits are for them. I joined coding club because I was always into games and other digital stuff. I enjoy coding club because I can learn to code at my own pace and/or have fun playing minecraft  with my friends. The benefits I get from coding club is spending more time with my friends, learning to code at my own pace, and getting to know new people. Why? I joined the coding club to make new friends that like coding and playing Minecraft with new people. What do you enjoy? Well, in coding, I enjoy playing Minecraft and coding and not being socially awkward. Benefits? T